Natural Family Planning with the Marquette Method


Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning is a natural & holistic approach to being able to monitor a woman’s fertility throughout her menstrual cycle to help achieve a couples family planning goals. It can also be used with God’s purpose of marriage to avoid or achieve a pregnancy, identify health issues, and allow family planning to be a shared responsibility.

Marquette Method

The Marquette Method is objective and research driven through the Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for Natural Family Planning. The method is taught by healthcare professions who are specifically trained in teaching the method through the institute. The Marquette Method works with the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and the Mira Fertility Tracker to monitor and interpret fertility signs to achieve the planning goals of the couple.

Who and Why?


The answer is anyone! Woman all over the country are using natural family planning along with the Marquette Method. Woman of all ages and in all sorts of fertility stages including but not limited to regular cycles (short or long), irregular cycles (PCOS), postpartum/breastfeeding, peri-menopause and post birth control are effectively and naturally guiding and embracing their fertility to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Even young girls/teenagers and single woman can use the method to be aware of their menstrual cycles and understand their fertility health.


The Marquette Method is 98% effective with a 2% chance of pregnancy and ranks right in line with other forms of contraceptives and birth controls. Natural Family Planning takes out the artificial birth controls and contraceptives to prevent a pregnancy. Without placing these items in our body, it takes away the side effects and harmful ingredients that affect our overall health. Understanding your fertility instead of suppressing it can lead to many health and life changes that affect your body and your relationship with your spouse and God in a positive way.

How Does It Work?

The Marquette Method uses the Clearblue or Mira Fertility Monitor to measure fertility hormones (estrogen, luteinizing hormone, and progesterone) to determine the most fertile days of a woman’s cycle. You simply pee in a cup in the morning, place the test stick in the monitor, lets the monitor read and interpret the results, following the protocols given by your instructor to determine your fertility status that day. Yes, it is as easy as that!

What Do I Need?

It all depends on what monitor you would like to use. You can contact us today to determine what monitor and class would be best for you! All links are given upon scheduling a class to the proper items needed.


For the Clearblue Monitor and Marquette Method you will need the Clearblue Monitor, Clearblue Fertility Test Sticks, and sometimes double checks like LH strips or Proov Strips depending on your circumstances.

**The Clearblue monitor can be used for any circumstance and is cheaper to use than the Mira Fertility Monitor.


For the Mira Fertility Monitor and Marquette Method you will need the Mira Analyzer and the appropriate wands to go with it. The wands are discussed in the class where your instructor will help determine which one is best for you.

**The Mira Fertility Monitor with the Marquette Method is more in depth and recommended for infertility, PCOS, Peri-menopause, and those who want more quantitative data. However, the supplies and the instructors do cost more as it takes more in depth time to interpret results.

NFP Services

Marquette Method with Clearblue

This individual class is for couples that want to learn how to use the Clearblue monitor with the Marquette Method to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. This class also includes instructions on BBT, Mucus, LH test, and Proov Test.

Follow up is provided for 1 year. If breastfeeding/postpartum and return of fertility is not back by a year, follow up continues until fertility returns.

Cost: $200

Payment upon booking of class via square with credit card, HSA, or FSA.

Marquette Method with Mira

This individual class is for couples that want to learn how to use the Clearblue monitor with the Marquette Method to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. This class also includes instructions on BBT, Mucus, LH test, and Proov Test.

Follow up is provided for 1 year. If breastfeeding/postpartum and return of fertility is not back by a year, follow up continues until fertility returns.

Cost: $275

Payment upon booking of class via square with credit card, HSA, or FSA.

Follow Up

This is for clients that are in need of a follow up and have previously been taught by a Marquette Instructor using the Mira monitor. Follow up is included for 1 year. If breastfeeding/postpartum and return of fertility is not back by a year, follow up continues until fertility returns.

Follow up within 1 year of class- $0

Follow up previously taught by a Marquette Instructor or not by Beautiful Beginnings & Wellness

Clearblue- $75

Mira- $125

Payment upon booking of class via square with credit care, HSA, or FSA